Monday, September 20, 2010

This is Completely Random...

BUT I had a thought the other night when I was trying to go to sleep (this isn't the random part).

Have you ever imagined if musicians or actresses listened to or watched their own work? I've been fascinated with this question, quite honestly, for about a week, and I have a theory. I think the reason stars are so self-obsessed is they hear their music on the radio or maybe even on their iTunes or watch their movies on Netflix, and they think, "How awesome am I?!" Really, that's the only explanation I can come up with, but if you have another one feel free to share.

But seriously give it a think: Cher singing If I Could Turn Back Time on the drive to Wally World and thinking, "Damn, that's catchy."

And you know Brad Pitt has watched himself in a movie and thought "Well, who's that handsome devil?" Answer: not him. Seriously, not cute. Sorry to burst that bubble.