Tuesday, July 27, 2010

But Don't Get Crazy...

Most people who have mingled at least a few times with other human beings over the past three years are very familiar with Bon Qui Qui of MadTv fame, known to her mom as Anjelah Johnson. She's become a household name and one of the most quoted videos .... ever. However, what's unknown to a surprising number of people, she is actually an accomplished comedian outside of the King Burger Franchise.

Here is the video that made "Rude" my sister's favorite comeback.

And here is some of her stand-up:

Monday, July 19, 2010

Braid Crusade

Lately, I have been obsessed beyond comprehension with braids. And it doesn't help that there are so many different types of braids: traditional, French, lace, fishtail, Dutch, twist, etc. The fun is endless. There's only one problem: I have never really mastered French braiding, and my "patience quota" only goes so far when I'm trying to learn new braids.

But alas, I shall not give up. Why? Because they are so freaking pretty, and I will rock the braid.

Here are some of my favorite hairstyles that feature this gorgeous style!

Dutch Braids

Cascade Braid (ha, it rhymes)

Lace Braid
(Click here for a how-to on Lace Braiding)

A Must(ache) for the Puppy in Your Life

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Why does nothing please you?!

Twilight sucks. No pun intended. If you agree, welcome to sanity! If not, you might not want to keep reading - this is your one warning.

In case you didn't know, I hate twilight. Hopefully you do too. Alex Day certainly does. He was a simple guy (or bloke, as he would probably say in that ridiculously adorable British accent) with a mission: to figure out what all of this Twilight mania was all about. So, he decided to read the now international sensation cover to cover with this mission in mind. And to video blog about it along the way. The result? The funniest commentary on any book you or I will ever come across.

The best part is that he embarked on this sometimes treacherous mission with a completely open mind, but after reading a few pages of this not-even-fit-for-bathroom-reading excuse for literature, he was convinced. Twilight sucks. And he's ready to tell you why.

Here is the first in his series of "Alex Reads Twilight" which he covers chapter by chapter.

If you enjoyed that as much as I think you did, visit his YouTube channel for even more hilarity.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

MIA Google Logos

I know I'm not the only one that loves all of the cute Google logos, especially the working Pacman logo from a little while back. They're so innovative and cute! Even the really random ones.

This one is from friendship day. Who knew?

Here is a list of Google logos you've probably never seen celebrating holidays that no one has ever heard of. Enjoy!