Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I love lolcats. The real ones, I can definitely do with out, but the lol species is so cute! I have a "greatest hits" folder on my computer of all of my favorite lolcats, and I figured they might be appreciated here. Enjoy!

How fairy tales REALLY end

Don't get me wrong... I am a huge fan of the fairy tale. Pretty tiaras and ball gowns were a critical part of my childhood dreams. However, it's nice to have a reality check every once and a while to slap you in the face and say: "Hey, stupid! You have a great life, so be happy."


Monday, March 1, 2010

One Month Anniversary....

...Of the last time I posted. Oops!

Anyway, nothing much has really been happening here. However, today marks the day of one of my good friends' birthday, leaving me as the last person in our friend group that is still under 18. This sucks. Especially when you want to go to concerts and things but can't because you're TOO YOUNG. I don't even look my age either, which only adds to my frustration.

But give me a month and a half and I'll have joined the ranks of my fellow legal adults. If only I didn't have to act like one....